Forum rules
Criteria for a qualifying post:

1. Title of the business.
2. Type of operation.
3. Title of buyer.
4. Products sold.
5. How will product be used?
6. How do they pay? PO? Signature? Credit card?
7. If they have established credit with Delta Foremost through a parent or sister company, make reference.
8. Provide a link to their website, specifically the "locations" page if available.
Joesph Alvarado

JP Hart Lumber aka Hart Lumber

I sold the JP Hart Lumber here in Austin a 35 gallon drum of Lumber Brite and I also provided them a sample of Weed Killer 5050. They loved both and have already talked to the Dallas area locations. They also have locations in Houston.

Shane, the GM, at the Austin location loves our products and said to have any other GMs contact him if they needed a reference on how well they work. They paid with by CC but they are willing to setup for a 30 day credit if we can sell more locations.

Here is the link to their website for other locations:

Good Luck!

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