Forum rules
Criteria for a qualifying post:

1. Title of the business.
2. Type of operation.
3. Title of buyer.
4. Products sold.
5. How will product be used?
6. How do they pay? PO? Signature? Credit card?
7. If they have established credit with Delta Foremost through a parent or sister company, make reference.
8. Provide a link to their website, specifically the "locations" page if available.
Kayla Lewallen

Keller North America

Keller is a Geo-technical engineering company that focuses on finding products that are safe to use on their job sights and pass all regulations. My location in Colfax, North Carolina has been buying 698 as well as 529B. They prefer 698 and 529B to be sold in the 5 gallon pails because they put these on the trucks and send them to their job sites. My guys have been charging their job sites the costs of the products as a cleaning and maintenance fee so it comes out as a no cost for them. They said this has saved them thousands of dollars by charging it to their jobs. The smaller quantities are better for this type of ordeal and they prefer 698 due to it being safer and passing their regulations. This company is very large scale and has locations all over the map. They have also used 6000 and when pitching this product make sure to stress that this product does not contain any silicates because this is the buying factor for them. Look for the operations manager when you go in and make sure the location is their service yard and operations location. They love ad awards! They stock up on their ad awards to give out at their end of year Christmas party and for special occasions through out the year. My guys have been buying in large quantities and get their sprayers at 1/2 price. They always ask for 8360 All purpose sprayer and 8352 Foam Pro Sprayer with their orders.
They use a PO and mine has always used the PO number 124180800. You can always use my location as a reference!
Kenneth Cook Operations Manager in Colfax, North Carolina
Happy Selling!
Phillip King
Sales Representative
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:20 am

Re: Keller North America

Good job Kayla!! Keep it up.

Phillip King
National Recruiter

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