Forum rules
Criteria for a qualifying post:

1. Title of the business.
2. Type of operation.
3. Title of buyer.
4. Products sold.
5. How will product be used?
6. How do they pay? PO? Signature? Credit card?
7. If they have established credit with Delta Foremost through a parent or sister company, make reference.
8. Provide a link to their website, specifically the "locations" page if available.
Kate Muskat
Sales Representative
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:00 pm

Pomp’s Tire Service - Mechanical Shop

I recently got into a Pomp’s Tire Service, this is a mechanical shop location. Not all Pomp’s Tire Service locations are mechanical, ask for which ones are and call on those. Call on the General Manager.

They have a variety of needs for our products. Each mechanical shop will have their own monthly budget for specialty product needs. Corporate has them contracted for certain areas like Cintas for restrooms and outside hire for building maintenance. My buyer was interested in many of our products, closed on 4039, 4035, and 1199 to start.

We are setting them up on net 30 day billing with credit and signature. My location wants the invoice sent directly to their location and then they will forward it on to corporate for payment.

Many locations throughout the Midwest, call on them and ask for the Mechanical shop locations that have service trucks! Happy Selling!!

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